Cats are good actors: can they fake diseases?
It is not uncommon for diseases to be faked among people. This also happens in the world of cats. Especially if they like to be dramatic and like to act, they also fake diseases. You rightly ask yourself why they do it. Often the reason is as simple as the question. The supposedly sick cat wants your attention.
read moreCats: The risk of overweight (Feline Diabetes)
The problems, benefits or disadvantages of to much weight on a human body have often given a rise to heated discussions, both in public and in private occasions. Therefore, the topic already becomes an unpleasant one for one or the other.
read moreWhat can you do if your cat stops eating? How do you have to deal with a sick cat?
If your cat seems to have no appetite it should not be ignored even if this can be normal for cats. If your cat shows no interest to eat his meal but otherwise starts to eat right away, you should have an eye on that.
And in the case your cat isn’t eating anymore or is only eats tiny amounts, you need to get your veterinarian involved. Because such a lack of eating for a few days can lead to a various amount of serious problems like a so-called fatty liver or hepatic lipidosis.
read moreHow to know if your cat is sick?
How to find out if your cat is sick
On our website you can find useful advise. Every owner of a pet, like a cat, loves his little darling. It is also painful for you, if your cat suffers from a disease. Your cat is like a familymember to you. You want your cat to be happy and healty. The same goes for owners of dogs as a pet. You don’t want, that your pet suffers from a disease. Therefore a “Sick Cat Rescue” plan must be done!
read moreCat Sneezing: Maybe an illness?
Sometimes Sick Cats sneezes more than usual.
Cats sneeze normal like humans do. You dont have to worry about it. Sometimes excitement or movements can bring on sneezing in cats. Almost anything that irritates oder tickles a cats nose can trigger sneeze.
If this is the only symptom and your cat displays no discharge from eyes or nose, good appetite, no change in behavior or activity level—then something as simple as an allergy or contact with irritants like cigarette smoke or air fresheners may be to blame.
However, if your cats sneezing wont go away, you may need to check with your veterinarian to see if treatment is needed.
Your cat can get diabetes like a human
Help your cat with Diabetes
Not only human get sick from the Diabetes. Cats also can get this illness. But what can you do and how can you recognize this? Here we want to show you what you can do.
read moreWhat are the Signs of a Sick Cat?
Apart from being cute pets, cats are strong too. This means that when they fall sick, you would not notice it immediately, but after you pay attention to them. One has to be very careful and interact with his/her cat regularly in order to make sure that their cat doesn’t show any sickness signs. Here we discuss the Signs Of A Sick Cat, go through them to know when you should take your cat to a doctor.
Ways of Treating Allergy Symptoms in a Sick Cat
Cats can suffer from various types of allergies, including flea allergies, contact allergies, airborne allergies and food allergies. Whatever be the type of the allergy, there would be certain symptoms of the same and you should know treating allergy symptoms in a sick cat, no matter what the allergy type is. Here we discuss some tips on how to treat such symptoms.
Knowing your Sick Cat
Cats are not very disturbing creatures when it comes to sickness. They are cute pets and they enjoy living an easy life. All they like to do is play, sleep, eat, and just sit with you and stare at you sometimes. Even when they are sick, it might take you some time to know something is wrong with them. Knowing your sick cat thus becomes all the more important. Here are some tips which would help you to know your sick cat better.
Home Remedies for Treating a Sick Cat
These days, most of the cat owners prefer to use home remedies for treating a sick cat rather than running to the vet immediately. This is because home remedies have a lower risk of side effects, both for the cat as well as for the humans in the house. Some of the home remedies are such that you can use them along with the medicines given by the vet, so that your cat recovers faster. Let us discuss some of them.
Recent Posts
- Cats are good actors: can they fake diseases?
- Cats: The risk of overweight (Feline Diabetes)
- What can you do if your cat stops eating? How do you have to deal with a sick cat?
- How to know if your cat is sick?
- Cat Sneezing: Maybe an illness?