Cats: The risk of overweight (Feline Diabetes)
The problems, benefits or disadvantages of to much weight on a human body have often given a rise to heated discussions, both in public and in private occasions. Therefore, the topic already becomes an unpleasant one for one or the other.
However, matters stand with you and whatever side-effect overweight might possess on human health – here at sickcat.net it is the wellbeing of your cat we are most concerned of. And experts are very certain that for cats’ overweight can be even a more evident problem than to humans. So, if you are not sure weather your cat belongs to the big ones or fights with weight-issues for a longer time – keep on reading.
While your cat’s diet and genetics certainly play a role, feline obesity is the biggest risk factor for feline diabetes.
No matter weather your cat has a tendency to thinness or plumpness if it stays agile and flexible in movement there threatens no overweight. The first signals of to much weight get obvious when the rips are no more detainable through their fur or their agility gets hindered.

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Cats not only need their flexibility for hunting or falling from great highs without coming to harm. It is also essential for them to get their toilette done. The less flexible the cat gets, the more its hygiene suffers. As a consequence, problems with skin and fur occur. Apart from movement and flexibility issues an overweight of a cat leads to a wear out of joints. Additionally, a growing mass of fad hinders the lever or other inner organs so that a risk of illnesses and a lower life-expectation is the consequence.
To protect your cat from overweight it is most important to understand the causes for too much weight on your pet. If a cat lives in an environment, where it can’t move or run about freely, it might be just too much food and to little exercise. However, the overweight can also come from a wrong way of feeding your cat.
Ideal Weight for Cats?
Most domestic cats should weigh about 10 pounds, though that can vary by breed and frame. A Siamese cat may weigh as few as 5 pounds, while a Maine Coon can be 25 pounds and healthy.
If the weight of your cat gives you a frown, you should definitely pay strong attention on how your cat gets which food. And although there is no harm in dispensing a tit bit from time to time, too much can develop more into a problem for your cat than anything else. If you are uncertain weather your cat gets the right food or suffers from overweight at all, always ask a veterinaries’ advice to become 100 % certain.
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