Sick Cat

Cats do not tend to get sick very easily, but if they sneeze continuously, they might be having some problems. If you find that your cat is coughing and at the same time displaying some other symptoms of respiratory problems then you must take these signs seriously. These symptoms are not normal and they can turn out to be very serious if not treated within the time remaining. If you take good care of your cat’s health then there are some common signs of a Sick Cat that you need to remain aware of and they have been detailed below:

Behavior Changes

If your normally placid cat suddenly turns aggressive then it must surely be taken as a sign of some kind of illness in your cat. In these circumstances, it might also be possible for your normally playful cat to become withdrawn suddenly. It is important for you to look out for the other signs of cat sickness. There are might be various causes behind the behavior change in your cat, but sickness is something that needs to be ruled out.

Sick CatUnusual Lethargy

This is another common indicator of sickness. In this condition, your cat might not be responding normally to your calls. You can also take it as a symptom of ear mite infestation or temporary deafness. Possibly, it could be fever because of which your cat might be facing problems in responding.


If you find that your cat is vomiting, try keeping an eye on your cat. Light vomiting is something caused due to a reaction to food that your cat eats like grass or it might be because of your cat’s habit of eating very fast. However, if you find your cat vomiting persistently and if the vomit contains blood, then this should be taken very seriously. You must immediately take your cat to a good veterinarian and look into the cause of the problem.

Sneezing and Coughing

Normally, cats do not sneeze or cough, therefore, if you notice your cat sneezing or coughing persistently, look for the other symptoms of a Sick Cat. It might be possible that your cat is trying to dislodge a hairball or it might have sniffed something causing it to sneeze. However, if the sneezing and the coughing continue for a very long time, then it is important that you check with the veterinarian.


Another symptom of sickness in a cat is an ungroomed coat. A cat will never feel like looking after itself when it is unwell. Cats are quite fastidious about cleaning and grooming themselves when they are very sick. Fur that is abnormally raised serves as a major indicator of an unwell cat.


Normal cat stools should be firm and they should not be pellets or solids. If the stool is too hard then you must take it as a sign of your cat being constipated. If the cat’s stool is soft then it is an indication of diarrhea resulting in other major problems. Therefore, it is important that the condition is treated as soon as possible. It is necessary that you get your cat checked with a veterinarian if you find that the cat’s stool has a strong and pungent smell. The same should be done if you find blood in your cat’s stool.


The cat’s nictitating membrane or eyelid should not be visible. If you are able to see it then it must be taken as a symptom of a foreign body getting into the eyes of your cat or a certain infection. You must get the eyes of your cat checked if the eyes look inflamed or red or if there is a persistent and excessive yellow and thick discharge. Try contacting your veterinarian on an immediate basis if the pupils in the eyes of your cat do not react to bright lights or if you find them to be dilated.


Clear wax in the ears of the cat is normal and fine, however, dark brown wax or specks are ear mites and you need to treat them in the best way possible. You must also check for seeds in the ears of your cat as these might also cause major problems. The seeds can easily enter the ear canal and cause complications.